Laminar Flow Cabinet Supplier: Drawell Analytical

Laminar Flow Cabinet Supplier: Drawell Analytical

Blog Article

Drawell Analytical is a leading supplier of containment solutions for research and industry. This article discusses Drawell's selection of laminar flow cabinets and how they meet various application needs.

What is a Laminar Flow Cabinet?

A laminar flow cabinet, also called a biosafety enclosure, maintains aseptic conditions through HEPA-filtered, uniformly flowing air. Cabinets come in vertical or horizontal designs depending on airflow direction.

Filtration and Airflow Mechanism

Laminar flow cabinets pull air through pre-filters and 99.97% efficient HEPA filters, releasing purified air uniformly over the work surface. This barriers samples from external particles.

Applications and Industries

Laminar flow cabinets support cell culture, microbiology, medical device assembly and other aseptic processes. Common users include pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare, cosmetics and food production.

Drawell Laminar Flow Cabinet Models

Desktop Series

Compact VD and HD models suit teaching labs and research. Features include power controls, UV lighting and Grade A or B cleanliness.

Vertical Series

SW-CJ series include basic to advanced features for one to three operators. Models vary in size, speed settings and filter access points.

Horizontal Series

HS cabinets accommodate one to two users. Features allow customizing workflows for specific applications like cell culture.

Hybrid Vertical/Horizontal Series

SW-CJ-1FB/2FB combine the accessibility of vertical cabinets with large front aperture of horizontal design.

Cabinet Selection Factors

Application needs, sample and operator protection levels, work volume capacities and budget influence choice of an optimal laminar flow cabinet model from Drawell's ranges.

Premium Features and Services

Key advantages include CE/FDA certification, optional IQ/OQ validation kits, energy efficient motors and built-in UVGI sterilizers.

Drawell offers on-site installation, annual PM contracts and technical support via calls, online chat and video conferences.

Ensuring Aseptic Work Environments

With decades of expertise, Drawell designs and manufactures laminar flow cabinets that meet global quality, safety and certification standards. This protects samples and operators across industries.


In conclusion, Drawell Analytical is a trusted supplier of containment solutions. Their extensive laminar flow cabinet selection ably supports research, production and education applications requiring aseptic workstations.

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